he also did one of the best openings for a film i know, besides hitchcock´s of course. here´s a link:
too beautiful. although the rest of the film is rather comme ci comme ca. i really don´t know why all of a sudden i´m so in love with collage and water colors, i never really was before, but since i saw gerhard richter´s water color paintings lately it did give them a new meaning for me and took away all the old dust and kitsch that had been associated with them in the drawers of my mind for so long. almost like when i rediscoverd brecht after school and for the first time saw what a revolutionary, creative, humorous and inspired, daring, avantgarde multimedia artist he was. they really ruin and militarize the best things at school, don´t they. but then again, it feels so good to be able to use the word r e v e l a t i o n when you see the same thing twice and it becomes new. that word is such a delicacy.